Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Love You Phillip Morris (1/18/09)

I'd like to start this post by saying BEST MOVIE AT SUNDANCE! It may make its way to a theatre near you, so get excited. It's amazing as fuck.

I am absolutely in love with this film. I always love Jim Carrey whether he is in a comedy like Dumb and Dumber or a more serious Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; he's a genius. He added enough comedy and drama to this movie that it contained a little bit of both. In the movie, his character was involved in a great deal of money troubles, and I was glad that the story was narrated from his perspective. You knew he was doing these things that would end him up in jail, but yet his reasoning seemed to erase the "wrong" from the situation. You knew he was only doing these things to be with the person he loved, and because he was so sincere, you found yourself rooting for him not to get caught.

Most people advertised this movie as almost a Brokeback Mountain because the two main characters are gay. The fact of the matter is, homosexuality has nothing to do with this story at all. This story could happen to anyone, and that's why I like it so much. Most movies with characters from minority groups are about the fact that they are minorities. This movie however stars two gay men dealing with issues completely separate of their sexuality. During the Q&A, someone asked what else they were doing for the homosexual community. Carrey paused, a little taken aback by the question. He answered with, "Accepting and supporting." He understood that this movie wasn't meant to make strides for the homosexual community, it was meant to be a movie. I would hope that if this movie is ever released, that its audiences would also realize this.

This movie is based on a true story (as the opening credits state, "This happened. Really, it did.") and was adapted after the book by the same title. I look forward to reading it, as the film did such a magnificent job.

Here's a few pictures of Jim and Ewan and the cast. I also got a somewhat awesome shot of the back of Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy's heads haha! Plus, after they left, I swiped the reservation paper that says "Jim Carrey" that yes, he sat on! I'm good.

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